tisdag 5 juni 2007

Bara en deprimerande text om klippta vänskapsband.

Someone tought me a valuable lesson the other day. You never know someone as well as you think you do. It is impossible to know one persons every thought and what their next move will be. It is scary, because that is when you get hurt.

You can hurt someone in a lot of ways. Friends turning their back's at you is one of the ways that hurts the most. I know this, because I have experienced it, and I have learned that it is possible to cut a bond with someone that you never thought you would. Of course it hurts, but life has to move forward. So this is my way of saying that I am done. I am sorry, but I can not trust someone that does not stand by my side and support me. I know it will hurt you for a while, but you will get over it. Because I have to, and then so will you.

I do not know why I am apologizing since I think that you are the one who should be. That is obviously not going to happen, so I bid you farwell.

I really loved you, cared about you and felt for you. But I can not give you my friendship, my trust and my heart if you do not respect it, if you do not respect me and my wishes. I know it sounds harsh, and maybe I am silly. But this is how I feel, and I am not able to ignore my feelings even though you think I should. My heart beats to strong for my beliefs, and I am stubborn my friend, when it comes to the holy rules of friendship.

I so am sorry for what you did, and I am even more sorry that you feel like you have to be a better person than me. I am sorry that you made me feel two inches tall, I am sorry that I will not be there the next time you need someone to hold your hand.

I am probably to blame too, noone is ever free of guilt. Maybe I could have stated my point even clearer. It is true that I demand a lot of you, but you are the only one who knew how I really felt. That is why it hurts so bad.

Right now, I think that you are mistaken.
I hope that you will see it too someday.

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

Jag trodde vår vänskap var stark nog att klara av ett bråk (har ju aldrig hänt innan) jag tycker den är värd att kämpa för och hoppas du också tycker det. Försöker aldrig vara bättre än ngn, tävlar aldrig, vill bara att både du och jag ska vara lyckliga! Din glädje är min glädje och din sorg är min sorg. Förhoppningsivs har vi missuppfattat varandra eller har vi olika syn på vänskap. Vill att vi reder ut det här gumman och försöker förstå varandra innan vi klipper några band, love you<3 nu och för alltid vad som än händer!