tisdag 8 maj 2007

5 Maj (Lördag)

Generalförsamlingen idag igen, vi kunde dock inte stanna hela tiden för vårt tåg gick 14.07 och vi skulle hinna käka också så vi stack 12.30. Lite tråkigt att missa avslutningsceremonin men ganska skönt att slippa sitta där och höra fler personer skrika "Objection", det blir enerverande efter ett tag ;) Min kommittés resolution, Main-submitted av Egypten gick i alla fall igenom, stort grattis till det :D

Skrev under tiden vi satt där, jag skrev på engelska och jag vet inte riktigt varför, det bara blev så. Men då får ni ju se om jag har någon talang för detta underbara språk ;)

"5 May 12.10

I'm sitting in the General Assembly right now feeling deeply offended since the delegation from Norway just said that 85% of all Indian politicians are corrupt. It's probably true but why say it? And the d*** (sorry for my informal language DEAR PGA) PGA (President of the General Assembly) didn't allow us to demand an official apology.
'This apology is not necessary'

The Riverboat party last night was awesome! But I got kind of depressed around 3 o'clock and didn't realize until this morning that it probably was because I am getting homesick and I really miss my mother! 'Motion to move directly into going home procedure! - SECOND!' I've had a lot of fun but it will be great to come home to my own bed and start looking forward towards my graduation! And hopefully Michael Bublé's new album will be waiting for me when I get home!

Everybody here is really nice and of course I am sad to leave but we all know that the best thing about going away is coming home!

Over and out."

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